Uniqueness vs. complexity for animals
Why prefer homeopathic complexes when it comes to animals?
There are several trends in homeopathy including that of using one remedy at a time ( unicism ) or several remedies at the same time ( complexism ). We explain to you the reasons why at Labo Solidago we opted for complexes.
What is uniqueness?
Uniqueism is an art in its own right and requires:
- a very in-depth knowledge of how homeopathy works (it takes years of training and experience to practice it reliably and effectively, it is not enough to take a recipe from the internet);
- mastery of the homeopath's tools (homeopathic repertoire and a multitude of homeopathic medical materials (kinds of dictionaries describing the actions of each remedy). And as there are almost as many medical materials as there are homeopaths...;
- very great observation skills;
- time, a lot of time, for observation, research for symptoms, inventory, consultation of medical materials, choice of remedy, with the added bonus of a possibility of failure because the symptoms retained are not the right ones!
- Patience, self-sacrifice;
- A lot of humility and constant questioning.
Singleism is much more practiced in humans for chronic problems (that have lasted for a long time). Communication is an essential issue of uniqueness, words and the expression of a feeling or the finesse of an emotion, primordial elements which are thus more easily taken into account than in an animal. Note that finding THE patient's remedy (which will therefore rebalance EVERYTHING and allow the patient to heal) can take several years even for the best homeopaths, barring very lucky coincidences.
In acute cases, for example during gastrointestinal illness, we challenge you to note your symptoms, to list them, to hesitate between 3 or 4 remedies, to take out your medical materials to remember the remedies, to choose some one, to take it, to continue to empty yourself, to take a second which also fails to finally arrive at the 4th remedy... which does not work either because you have forgotten this little symptom of gurgling in your intestines which would have put you on the right track!!
So uniqueism is intellectually very enriching, but with your head above the toilet bowl or a stressful situation that you cannot control, you will move on to complexism without any difficulty!
Now let's see what complexism is.
We have seen that it is difficult to find THE remedy for a person who speaks the same language as us and who is generally not in an absolute vital emergency.
Whereas with an animal, even if you usually manage to communicate, in the urgency of suffering, incessant meows, squeals that tear your heart out, you are incapable of thinking and reflecting calmly and calmly. Finding THE remedy in these stressful conditions is almost impossible unless you are a double of Buddha.
This is why at Labo Solidago we have opted for complexes which are formulas comprising several active remedies in a targeted syndrome, and represent the fruit of our 30 years of experience on thousands of animals. The synergy of action of our components gives our complexes remarkable effectiveness.
Additionally, complexes are more attractive to our customers because over time they are able to find the ideal product for the situation at hand. This way, our customers become independent!
To simplify, unicism = a single complicated remedy to find vs. complexism = a set of several remedies to target the different possibilities. That said, we are not against the use of a single remedy, quite the contrary.
Let's take some examples:
In two months you will move from your apartment to another place (which we wish you wonderful) with your cat or your dog or your cows will leave the stable for the meadow like every spring.
Everything is programmed. Your animals, much more sensitive than you to their environment and emotions, are perfectly aware of this and change their behavior, become fearful, give less milk, etc.
HoliStress brings calm and serenity to everyone and will allow each animal to adapt to its new “vacation” place.
Another example.
With the arrival of spring, you know that flies, mosquitoes and ticks will bring their share of hassles. You also know that few natural remedies are 100% effective and that the host/parasite relationship is an indicator of the state of health of the host (and therefore your animal). It is necessary to give your animal's immune system the means to respond to multifactorial attacks (stress and...bugs). This is the role of HOLINSECT.
If we take the example that you do not know our complexes - and you are reading this article - when you have just removed a kind of gray chickpea, well inflated, with paws at the front of your dog and that it presents a cold swelling to the touch, which itches, aggravated by heat and improved by cold, the homeopathic remedy which will instantly calm the itching is included in our complex, it is Ledum Palustre. But since you didn't study homeopathy as a second language at school, you couldn't have known that.
We know this and all our complexes are built according to the synergy between the ingredients in order to target the greatest number of consequences.
Once again, it's simple, effective, reliable and reassuring!
Especially since the staff in Quebec and France are at your disposal to answer your questions and this service is free!